Michael Greenwood
Front Range Brickyard Co-Founder

Mike Greenwood is the Co-Founder of +MPU’s Front Range, Colorado Brickyard.
Mike serves as a Director of Veteran Services at the COMMIT Foundation, where he assists military members, veterans, and their families navigate their transition out of uniform. As a servant leader, he is joining + MPU with over 14 years of veteran nonprofit and military experience to bring forward into his community. As an Army veteran, Mike is passionate about guiding veterans to become leaders in their communities when they remove their uniforms for the last time. He holds a BBA from Pace University along with an Executive Certificate from the University of Notre Dame in Transformational Nonprofit Leadership and a Certification in Production Management from Indiana Tech. Mike also leads his own financial counseling practice as a trained Ramsey Solutions Financial Coach. Born and raised in Upstate New York, he now calls Colorado Springs, Colorado home. He enjoys running, hiking, and traveling with his wife, daughter, and their dog.