+MPU D.C. Area – Ideas and Plans for 2024

Shaw Neighborhood

+MPU DC is making plans for 2024 and we need your help. Come join us for an exciting evening to shape our priorities for the rest of this critical year.

Location: Shaw Neighborhood. We have an incredible venue confirmed and we will send details to all registered participants.

Purpose: +MPU is a bridging organization, but our activities and specific outcomes are limitless. This event will identify 1-3 priorities for +MPU D.C. to focus our 2024 efforts.


  • Short introductions
  • Guest speaker(s) on the diversity of civic bridging organizations and efforts, both local and national
  • Structured ideation exercises to gather, organize, and prioritize ideas from all participants. Why You Should Come: Free food and drink! More importantly though, this is a chance to connect with some fellow Americans and discuss the most important things we can try to accomplish to support +MPU’s mission of strengthening our country through meaningful human connections. We need your perspective, we need your ideas.

About the DMV, Washington Chapter

Washington, D.C. has always been a place of compromise. Born as the beating heart of American democracy, D.C. has long been a symbol of what we can achieve when we come together, and what can go wrong when division takes the place of connectedness in our communities.

The D.C. Brickyard is led by Ben Bain, Jaelin Lespier, and Ryan Smither.

Visit the DMV, Washington Chapter Page

Black and White photo of the Washington monument in Washington, D.C.