+MPU unites the country and strengthens communities through social connection, service, and civic engagement.

We form local chapters – called Brickyards – to bring people together through social connection, service, and civic engagement events where we build stronger, more resilient communities.

Our Values

Service: Sacrifice is the greatest expression of Patriotism. We are driven to serve our country, our communities and our neighbors. Our leaders must engage as servant leaders and recognize their duty to support Americans.

Virtue: Americans must aspire to do the right thing. Representative democracy can only work with virtuous people and we expect the same from our leaders.

Mercy: We treat our fellow Americans with compassion and believe the best in each other…most importantly when we disagree.

Humility: While we are strong in our convictions, we recognize that we have much to learn from each other. We approach our lives with open minds and open hearts.

Courage: We have the courage to stand up for our principles, especially when doing so is unpopular or inconvenient.

Hope: We have and will continue to face hardship and adversity as a nation. In these moments “we will choose hope over fear. We see the future not as something out of our control, but as something we can shape for the better.”

Meet the Brickyard Chapters

+ MPU Brickyards are local chapters where people of all backgrounds come together connecting through events like potlucks, service opportunities, and more. Through these +MPU experiences, we discover we aren’t so different from each other after all from our shared conversations.

MPU is Proud to Partner with:

This is the moment to stand up and lead – together.

By signing up for +MPU, you will be joining more than 10,000 Americans as a member of this national service and civic organization.

You’ll be the first to know about opportunities for free, local +MPU Brickyard events that empower our neighbors to partake in social gatherings, community service projects, and civic engagement. Join us as we band together to build stronger communities and a More Perfect Union.

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